- Part 1: A simple crud
- Part 2: A node.js express-based API
- Part 3: Advanced material
Code on github https://github.com/kendarorg/Angular101
The generated app
The directory demo001 is created, and contains several other subdirectories:
- node_modules: all the node stuffs download for the project, that is added directly to the .gitignore file
- src: containing the real source files
- e2e: needed to run the angular application and the tests with Protractor
A bunch of file inside the root are created too:
- angular.json: The angular project configuration
- tsling.json: The TypeScript lint configuration, with the rules needed by the static check
- tsconfig.*.json: The configurations for the transpiler from TypeScript to Javascript
- package-lock.json: Autogenerated to contain the versions of the imported libraries
- package.json: The package versions
- karma.conf.js: Configuration for the karma test runners
- browserslist: To define how Less will generate css according to the compatibility with the listed browsers
- index.html: The main container (module) of the application
- styles.less: The main css/less file
- test.ts: The main tests runner
- polyfill.ts: Functions needed to harmonize the browser's behaviors
- main.ts: The main entry point for the application
- assets: The static assets (like images etc)
- environments: The specific settings for each environment. Here we have the development (default) and production
- app: The application itself
The App
This is the first module that will be instantiated after the main
- app-routing.module.ts: Routing for the main application
- app.component.css: Css specific for the main component
- app.component.html: Html template (view) for the main component
- app.component.ts: Component source
- app.component.spec.ts: Component tests
- app.module.ts: The list of modules used by the app
Further preparation
I choose to use the material library with flex layout
npm i @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations @angular/flex-layout
Now you can run the application typing
ng serve
And now you could see the "fancy" application in your browser going on http://localhost:4200. Ctrl+C to stop the server
To clean up all the mess the content of the app.component.html can be switched to the following. Equivalent to the old ng-view. This will contain all the result of the route choices
Re-running the serve command will lead to an empty page! :D
Last modified on: February 17, 2020